Here is list of the classes we currently teach at Jeweled Maidens. Others are being developed and will be added when ready. We will do a class upon request if you have 5+ people who want to take it. Contact us and we can arrange a time. We only have limited space for classes so the class size can only be ten people. If we have over flow, we will repeat the class. If you want to be notified of our class schedule, go to or contact us to sign up for our class and event newsletter.
Creating and Maintaining Altars and Shrines
Candle Magic
Chakra Maintenance
Pendulum Dowsing
Herbal Anti-Biotics
Hoodoo Herb Magic
I Ching Divination using the traditional method
Introduction to Usui Reiki Ryoho
Developing Your Intuition
Magical Herbs & Oils
Mantra Course
Sprirtboard/Oiuja Use
Pagan Time Keeping
Poppets & Mojo Bags
Tea Class
Tea Leaf Reading Class
Wu Wo Tea Ceremony Instruction